Please read this page carefully from start to finish if you are truly prepared to do what it takes to regrow your hair. If you’re not prepared to take some extreme action that will actually get results, this might not be for you.
In this book I provide detailed instructions on how to perform at-home procedures that eliminate each of the key causes of hair loss. These procedures have been refined over many years, to produce the ultimate hair growth methodology. This can all be done at home, on your own, with the use of a few inexpensive, safe products.
Hair loss is not a simple problem. It is extremely difficult to reverse — you must understand that if you want to start regrowing your hair. If you truly want to start regrowing your hair you have to do some fairly extreme things. Buying some hair loss supplements and taking them everyday, or some Minoxidil and using it everyday is just not going to do it. You’ll do nothing more than waste your money for a few years and then one day you’ll realize that what I’m saying is right. Those hair loss products don’t work.
If you want to stop your hair loss and regrow your hair you need to intensely feed your hair. Not just feed it a little bit. You need to feed it a lot.
The truth about hair loss revealed
The same thing is happening to millions of people worldwide, yet they do nothing about it. The truth is very simple. The truth about hair loss is this:
You can’t regrow your hair if your hair is not receiving the nutrients it needs to grow.
That is a very simple and obvious statement I know, but keep reading because it’s very important you understand this if you want to regrow your hair, make it thicker, shinier, longer and healthier.
Your hair receives nutrients from your blood. Tiny blood vessels connect to your hair in your scalp. As we age, some peoples’ scalps change and the blood supply to the hair follicles becomes restricted. It can get so restricted that the follicles receive no nutrients at all and they become completely dormant.
Early signs that this has started happening are unhealthy looking hair. Then the hair begins to thin. Then noticeable hair loss becomes apparent.
The following instructions show you how to ‘de-restrict’ the nutrient supply and massively increase nutrient supply to the hair…
In step 1 of the eBook you will learn how to use a unique and fairly extreme (but completely safe) technique that gets your scalp back into the condition it was before hair loss began.
In steps 2, 3 and 4 you will learn how to perform my powerful 2 minute per day hair growth technique. This technique tricks the body into sending nutrients directly to the hair, opening up the blood vessels that have become dormant. It’s key that you perform this technique daily for several months because the blood vessels in your scalp that connect to your hair follicles are probably in extremely poor condition. By sending much more blood through them every day for several months they gradually become healthier again until they are back to normal and with continued use they may become healthier than they were before you started losing your hair.
Above: My hair before and after using my method.
Read next

By completing this simple two minute procedure, which I call the Alternation Method, every day your hair will receive an abundance of nutrients, which in time will begin to reactivate dormant hair follicles in your scalp, making your hair thicker.
Protect your Hair Follicles from DHT
For years we’ve known that DHT causes hair loss. And hence we’ve had some success with drugs like Propecia. Some people can achieve results with Propecia. It is important to block DHT and you will learn how to do that PROPERLY in the book – by blocking DHT in the scalp, removing DHT from the scalp and reducing blood DHT levels naturally, by improving liver efficiency and using powerful natural ingredients.
DHT is a hormone (more common in men, but also present in women) that kills hair follicles by restricting nutrient supply to them.
In the eBook you will learn how to remove DHT from your scalp using the method explained in Step 1 and by using a special ingredient in the hair growth tonic that you’ll learn how to make. With continued use of the hair growth tonic, the DHT levels in your scalp will gradually decrease.
In Step 6 you will learn how to use three powerful natural ingredients that prevent your body from creating DHT. Not only will this help increase hair growth, it will also improve your overall health and is thought to reduce your rate of aging.
In Step 7 you’ll learn how to improve the efficiency of your liver. The liver is the key organ in the body for healthy hair and skin. It removes toxins from the body, cleanses the blood and deals with used hormones – you’ll see as you read why that is key in the battle against DHT and sebum.
By increasing the efficiency of the liver it is better able to eliminate used hormones (such as DHT) from the body via the correct channels, rather than via the skins pores. It is a proven fact that by improving liver efficiency and increasing co-enzyme A levels, the liver sends less sebum (which contains DHT) to the skins pores. The pores in the forehead, inner ear and scalp are the largest pores in the body, which is why sebum deposits are highest in these areas.
You’ll learn exactly which foods you need to eat to feed your hair
In the eBook I’ve explained what no-one else does – exactly what nutrients are needed by the body to grow hair. I don’t just explain what foods you need to eat to increase these nutrients, I also explain what ‘co-factor’ nutrients you need to increase absorption of the key hair growth ingredients.
For example did you know that ‘arginine‘ is a key amino acid required for hair growth? It also increases blood circulation to the extremities (which is exactly where you need it to carry nutrients to the hair). But did you know that watermelon and several other fruits contain a special chemical that boosts arginine in the body creating a viagra like effect?
In Step 9 I detail the exact amino acids and supporting nutrients needed to feed the hair. I also explain practical ways of easily including these nutrients in your diet.
In Steps 2, 3 and 4 you learn how to increase blood supply to the hair. In Step 9 you learn how to add the nutrients your hair needs to your blood (via diet), so these vital hair growth nutrients get sent straight to your scalp, day after day after day.
Once you have incorporated these simple practices in to your life your hair will be fed with a rich cocktail of hair growth nutrients all day everyday, gradually regrowing, strengthening and thickening your hair.
Training your mind to react calmly in stressful situations
According to my research, stress is a far more significant cause of hair loss than most people believe. Stress saps the body of nutrients – the exact nutrients needed to grow hair. It also causes muscle tension in the neck and shoulders which restricts blood flow to the scalp. Furthermore stress has an effect on hormones, which has a knock-on effect on your hair.
In Step 10 I explain how, over many years, many people subconsciously ‘train themselves’ to react badly in stressful situations and to worry a lot. I then show you how you can retrain your mind to be calmer and more relaxed. In this step you will also be introduced to the free audio mind-training program.
The 8 part audio mind training program that comes free with the eBook can be played while you sleep, while you work, while you exercise (whenever). It plays in special frequencies that relax the mind and even comes with two silent files that play at a frequency you can’t consciously hear but trains your mind to stay relaxed and focussed using subliminal suggestions.
Thank you for getting this far. Please read this last part
Every day the blood vessels in your scalp are getting weaker and unhealthier because insufficient blood supply is running through them. It’s vital for the sake of your hair that you reactivate these blood vessels and get them working every day as much as possible.
By sending nutrient rich blood to the surface of the scalp using my special technique, the Alternation Method, they will become stronger and stronger every day. The blood supply to your hair will become stronger and stronger. Your hair will begin to grow faster and you will notice new hairs growing along your hair line. At first you’ll see new hairs sprout up at random. You’ll also notice your hair getting thicker. Stick with it but remember this, if you think you’ll regrow your hair by taking some supplement every day, eating healthier, exercising and maybe doing a few things you’ve read on some websites, think again.
If you really want to see results you have to be prepared to put some effort in. You get out what you put in. What you’re about to read may well change your life, more than you think. Believe me you will feel the most amazing feeling inside when you start seeing the first new hairs comes through. Keep persisting with the techniques (it’s just two minutes a day) and you’ll see the results get better and better.
Here’s what some early users who have started using this treatment are saying:
“Just rubbing my hand through my hair I can feel 2 layers of hair, the normal hair, and a layer of short prickly stubble coming in. Feels like a beard is growing underneath my normal hair, I guess is the best way to describe it.”
“The noticeable areas of scalp are disappearing, and even my receding hairline is starting to fill in.”
“My hair is just getting thicker by the day. I’m so glad I found your book Chris. Thank you…”