…and dogs. And some strange people. Just for fun and because my posts are usually very serious I thought I’d publish some funny pictures I’ve collected. If you find these pics funny, share with your friends using the buttons above.
The Breakfast in Bed Cat
This cat is enjoying a relaxing breakfast in bed.
Image source: Fugly.com
The Inquisitorcritter
Image source: Lanny-Yap.blogspot.com
The Harry Styles Dog
A relative perhaps?
Image source: Kulfoto
The resemblance is quite remarkable, even down to the glazed look in their eyes.
But I did not Shoot the Deputy’s Dog
Image source: pwnzone2.blogspot.co.uk
Over optimistic wig choice
Maybe this guy should have gone for a more realistic wig.
Image source: holytaco.com
Baby with very long hair
Image source: izismile.com
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The drawn on hair look
I guess if you can’t afford a wig you can always draw some hair on.
Image source: everydayfunnyfunny.com
The Chewbacca Look
Well, here’s a Chewbacca wig.
Image source: geyserofawesome.com
I can see why the artist photoshopped this beehive…
The final say from Linus…
Image source: worldwidewhiskers.wordpress.com
While placing a wig upon a cats head may provide a brief amusement, it is, in my opinion, somewhat unethical. But only somewhat. Then one might consider the act of neutering to tread on the side of unethical. Or is it? Always ask questions.