How to Make your Hair Grow Longer -

How to make your hair grow faster, longer and healthier: The NKI Method

What I’m about to show you is very simple method that makes your hair incredibly healthy. This method significantly accelerates hair growth, as well as making your skin healthier. It’s very simple, but once you see it you’ll understand why it’s so effective. Every morning we’re going to send a rich mixture of hair growth […]

How to Grow Longer Hair, Overnight

Make your hair grow super fast overnight There are a few key nutrients that make hair grow like crazy. When you know what they are, how to use them and how to get them to your hair, your hair will literally grow longer overnight. But not just tonight; every night and every day. If you […]

How to Grow Longer Hair, Fast

I thought I’d write this guide because I’ve received a lot of emails from people who have visited my blog, saying their hair doesn’t seem to grow past a certain length, no matter what they do. OK there’s a good reason for that and I’m going to tell you how to get past it. I […]

10 Products that Prevent Split Ends and Protect your Hair from Damage

In this article I show you 10 products that protect your hair, preventing breakage including split ends. I show you how they work and what to look for in an anti-breakage product. Why you need to protect your hair if you want it to grow longer Lots of people want to grow their hair longer, […]