A breakthrough in hair loss research, known as ‘hair follicle neogenesis’, is a relatively new concept that very few people known about. But more and more people are discovering that it’s possible to generate entirely new hair follicles in the scalp, making the hair thicker and fuller, using a simple device such as a dermaroller and increasing ‘growth factors’ in the scalp tissue.
How it works
The technique is called ‘wound-induced hair follicle neogenesis‘. It’s a very simple, common-sense method for generating new hair follicles in skin tissue. However it is completely revolutionary because previously it was thought that it was impossible to grow new hair follicles in skin tissue. Thanks to some excellent research by the world’s leading hair loss experts we now know it is possible to grow new hair in the scalp and it works like this:
Step 1: Create small wounds in the scalp skin
First of all, you have to create tiny wounds in the scalp skin. You have to quite literally break the scalp tissue using a needle. This was previously thought to be something you’d have to go to a surgeon for, but now, thanks to products like the Dermarolller anyone can create tiny wounds in their skin at home.
The Dermaroller was originally designed to heal scar tissue. It was sold as a device that would help heal acne scars and stretch marks. It works very well and that’s precisely why it’s effective for initiating hair follicle neogenesis.
Apply the Dermaroller to the scalp
The Dermaroller is rolled over the scalp skin, creating tiny punctures in the scalp tissue. This causes very small wounds in the skin resulting in a very small amount of bleeding. You won’t see blood pouring from your scalp, but you should see some tiny puncture marks. The needles are extremely small, so the wounds it creates are also extremely small.
Step 2: Increase these growth factors in the scalp
Fibroplast growth factor 9
Read: How to increase scalp FGF9.
Read: How to increase scalp IGF-1.
Read: How to increase scalp VEGF.
Read: How to increase scalp EGF.
Read: How to increase scalp FGF7.
Read: How to increase scalp PGF2alpha.
Products that increase hair growth factors
There are many products available now that are designed increase growth factors. Here are some examples:
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Nanogen Growth Factors Serum Increases FGF7
The Nanogen Growth Factors serum contains pea sprout extract, which increases FGF7. It also contasins bitter orange, which increases PGE2 — another hair growth stimulating agent.
Increase PGE2
As well as increasing growth factors, we need to increase the prostaglandin that
Read: How to increase scalp PGE2.
Some growth factors actually cause hair loss
It’s important to note that at least one growth factor — transforming growth factor beta2 (TGFbeta2) — actually reduces hair growth. One study discovered that increased scalp TGFbeta2 caused hair follicles to prematurely transition from the growth phase into the catagen phase, when it stops growing and is cut off from the blood supply.