A receding hairline is just the start of male pattern baldness. It will continue faster than you think. Very soon, the hair in the middle front of your scalp will get thinner.
But it can be stopped. I stopped my hair from receding and now my hairline is gradually growing back. It does take a time, but I’d rather it was growing back slowly than growing thinner slowly. Here’s my hair before and after using the technique I’m about to explain:
How I did it
What you have to understand is a receding hairline is caused by something called ‘fibrosis’. Fibrosis is caused by a hormone called DHT.
Your hair follicles are dead
If you have a receding hairline in means the scalp skin where your hair has receded has become fibrotic. That means the hair follicles have been scarred and hair can no longer grow.
No matter what hair loss treatments you use — Rogaine, Propecia, Spectral DNC, whatever — none of them will work. This is because once fibrosis has occurred in the scalp skin, the hair follicles are essentially dead. They can’t grow and they will never grow again.
But there is a way to fix this
There’s a relatively new treatment that has been researched at several research facilities around the world. Researchers discovered that by breaking down the scalp skin (wounding it at a very small-scale level), the scalp skin heals itself and regenerates the hair follicles.
Research at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania discovered that when the skin is mildly wounded and a growth factor called FGF9 is introduced, new hair grows. You can read all about this on Science Daily.
In essence, the skin regrows the lost hair follicles, enabling hair to regrow in the receded area.
And don’t worry about the wounds being visible. They’re basically too small to be seen. We’re talking about a very small scale.
How to do this yourself at home
The thing is, unless you know how to use the technique developed at Perelman School of Medicine, you won’t have much success. But luckily, it’s actually very very easy.
And it’s completely safe. In fact, anyone can do this, on their own at home. That’s what I’ve done and several other people have done the same. Check out their before and afters.
If you want to start regrowing your hair using this method, click here to get the full instructions. If you want to learn more, keep reading.
We’re going to do 3 things
- We’re going to very gently wound your scalp skin using a Dermaroller
- We’re going to flood your scalp with a special combination of nutrients that make hair grow
- We’re going to introduce a growth factor into your scalp, which has been shown in research to make new hair follicles grow
1. Break down the fibrosis that prevents hair growth
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Have you ever noticed balding guys have super shiny scalps?
That shininess is caused by the fibrosis. It means the skin is covered in tiny little scars. Those scars essentially mean that the hair cannot grow because the hair follicles have been damaged.
Luckily for us there’s an amazing tool that’s been designed to heal skin scars! It’s even been proven to work. It’s called the Dermaroller. A Dermaroller gently breaks down the scarred skin. Then, when the skin heals it regenerates without the scars.
Think about that for a second
The scarring is what completely prevents hair growth. We’re going to heal the scarring, using a special method that alternates between gently wounding the skin and intensely healing it.
2. Flood your scalp with hair growth nutrients
I’m going to show you how to flood your scalp with a powerful mixture of hair growth ingredients. You’re going to intensely nourish your hair with the exact nutrients it needs to grow.
And all you have to do is drink a special hair growth smoothie every day. Then, before bed, you’ll use a special technique that causes blood to flow to your scalp for 24 hours after completing the technique. Essentially this causes all those hair growth nutrients to flood into your scalp.
3. Trigger new hair growth using the growth factor
Finally, we need to “switch on” hair growth in your scalp. We’ll do this using the growth factor. I’ll show you how to get hold of this very cheaply and how to introduce it to your scalp.
Once you have these three steps in place you’re ready to start the new hair follicle neo-genesis.
To get started click here.