If you don’t do THIS your hair follicles WILL die – nicehair.org

If you don’t do THIS your hair follicles WILL die

There is something fundamental that you need to understand about hair growth:
If your hair receives NO BLOOD SUPPLY via the blood vessels, it CANNOT grow. It’s as simple as that.
hair follicle miniaturization
What follows is the best way to increase the nutrient supply to your hair, by massively improving micro blood circulation in the scalp.

Step 1: Massively increase nutrient supply to your hair, the clever way

Increase nutrient supply to scalp
If you want to stop hair loss YOU MUST make sure there is a good blood supply to the hair.
So that’s exactly what I do: I send a massive supply of blood to the hair, using a clever trick.
But I take this one step further.
Increase nutrients in the scalp to feed hair
I eat several powerful HAIR GROWTH NUTRIENTS first thing in the morning, which are absorbed into my bloodstream. Then I MASSIVELY increase the blood flow to my scalp, sending those powerful hair growth nutrients to my hair, where they build NEW HAIR KERATIN.
Every morning my hair receives a large dose of the exact nutrients needed to boost hair growth.
It’s very easy. I use a natural B Vitamin called Niacin, which causes blood to flush to the skin. Before consuming the Niacin, I drink my Hair Growth Smoothie, which contains antioxidants, potassium, B vitamins and the KEY AMINO ACIDS that build hair keratin.
In other words I put all the NUTRIENTS THAT BUILD HAIR KERATIN into my bloodstream, then I SEND THEM STRAIGHT TO MY SCALP. But not just into the scalp; into the micro blood-vessels that connect to the hair, nourishing the hair.
IGF1 hair growth
This delivery of nutrients, in combination with the increased growth hormone in the scalp and the healing reaction we’re triggering with the Dermaroller, creates one amazing outcome… NEW HAIR GROWTH.
And believe me, you WILL SEE the new hairs growing along your hairline.
To learn exactly how to use this advanced new technique, download the instructions from my website here:
Download these instructions
In the download I provide more detailed instructions on how to force blood to flow to your scalp, sending powerful hair growth nutrients to your newly reactivating hairs. You’ll learn more about this in the next email.
NEXT in this series: Breakthrough hair loss treatment of the future, available today.
“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something–your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” Steve Jobs