A mind training programme that eliminates stress, thus eliminating stress related hair loss – nicehair.org

A mind training programme that eliminates stress, thus eliminating stress related hair loss

Step 2 of the book is all about changing the way you deal with stress. I used to suffer terrible stress. It may have been the primary cause of my hair loss. Once I figured out how to permanently change the way I deal with stress, my entire appearance improved.
I believe the audio programme I developed is one of the main reasons I managed to stop my hair loss and grow my hair back.
I really do believe that being a calm person is one of the keys to good health, especially with respect to physical appearance.

About the audio programme

You can listen to the audio programme files while you work, while you exercise and even while you sleep. They flood your mind with positive messages that train you to react to stress and pressure calmly. The audios work on both a concious and a subliminal level and they have special ‘binauraul’ beats that help you learn, relax or sleep, depending on which programme you choose.

The audio files

With the eBook you get these audio files, which you can have delivered on CD or you can download them instantly.

  • Eliminate Stress: Theta wave: Helps you calmly learn
  • Eliminate Stress: Alpha Wave: Helps you stay relaxed and focused
  • Eliminate Stress: Delta wave: Helps you sleep
  • Eliminate Stress: Silent subliminal
  • Stop Hair Loss & Re-grow hair: Theta wave: Helps you calmly learn
  • Stop Hair Loss & Re-grow hair: Alpha Wave: Helps you stay relaxed and focused
  • Stop Hair Loss & Re-grow hair: Helps you sleep
  • Stop Hair Loss & Re-grow hair: Silent subliminal