Have you ever noticed that bald and balding men have incredibly shiny scalps? That fact is far more important than you might think. Take a look at this…
DHT leads to inflammation in the hair follicles, which causes the follicles to become scarred. You’ve probably noticed scar tissue tends to be very shiny and tight compared to healthy skin.
You may have also noticed that no hairs grow from scar tissue.
DHT causes inflammation, which eventually leads to scarring at a micro-level. As the scars worsen the hair follicles grow smaller and smaller until they can no longer function at all — and the scalp becomes shiny, tense and smooth.
This is known as perifollicular fibrosis.
Once fibrosis has set in, hair cannot grow. It’s impossible. The follicles are too damaged to ever grow again.
Reducing scalp DHT will help prevent further fibrosis from occurring, but it will not make the damaged follicles grow back.
So what’s the answer?
The answer to making your hair grow back is not just to reduce DHT. Yes reducing scalp DHT will prevent further hair loss. But if you want to regrow the hair you’ve lost, you literally need to generate completely new hair follicles.
This phenomenon has been observed in several studies at major research facilities
This method works by alternating between gently breaking down the scar tissue in the scalp and intensely nourishing it with powerful hair growth nutrients.
By mildly damaging the scalp skin and then flooding the scalp with a special combination of amino acids, antioxidants and ‘growth factors‘, the scalp begins to heal itself and new hair growth begins.
Read next

This phenomenon has been observed in several studies at major research facilities around the world but as far as I’m aware I’m the only person to put this science into a practical method that anyone can use at home on their own, with no scientific equipment needed.
To learn how to use my method, sign up to my free e-mail series.
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Your skin is an incredibly sophisticated organ that has evolved over millions of years.
Think about this:
Your skin can do something amazing. No other organ in your body can do this. It’s quite remarkable when you think about it:
It can heal itself.
Your skin can rebuild itself. All on its own.
Skin is made of layers of skin cells.
But it also contains the DNA needed to make new hair follicles.
Hair follicles are part of the skin tissue. Therefore, if the skin tissue is damaged it not only regrows skin, it regrows hair follicles.
And that is the key to the method I’m about to show you.
What we’re going to do is use a very simple technique to gently break down the fibrotic tissue. Then we’ll flood your scalp with a special combination of amino acids.
These are the same amino acids that your hair is made of.
Hair is made of keratin. Keratin is made of 16 amino acids and a little bit of sulfur.
I’m going to show you how to flood your scalp with the raw materials it needs to grow new hair.
Then we’re going to break down the old scarred scalp tissue, which cannot grow hair.
Then, when the scalp tissue regrows, new hair follicles are formed.
As we repeat this process more and more new hair follicles are produced all over the scalp.
How to Trigger Rapid Hair Growth

To learn about the method I used to provoke new hair growth and significantly increase hair density, use the link below:
To start using my method, you can download the instructions from here:
Download the Scalp Regeneration Method
How we’re going to safely reduce DHT to prevent further fibrosis
As well as showing you how to break down fibrosis in your scalp and initiate new hair growth, I’m going to show you the best possible way to naturally and safely reduce serum DHT. Just take a look at this…
Your hair is being rapidly killed by a common hormone called DHT.
But did you know that high ‘cortisol’ hormone is what causes elevated DHT?
Cortisol is a powerful stress hormone. And when you have high testosterone and high cortisol your body produces high levels of DHT, which makes its way to your scalp, binds to the follicles and gradually ‘kills’ them. You’ve probably noticed that people who don’t seem to get stressed don’t tend to lose their hair.
But just look at this…
Without realizing it, you’re daily habits are killing your hair
You’re also ruining your health and making your life much harder than it needs to be. And it’s all because of a minor hormonal imbalance, that you could easily fix!
Your testosterone levels are highest in the morning…
The morning is also when you’re most stressed: Traffic jams, sub-ways, annoying emails, etc, etc. It’s easy to get angry and stressed in the morning.
So, every morning, you have high testosterone and high cortisol levels.
In other words…
…every morning, your body becomes a hair destroying DHT factory.
Because testosterone + cortisol = DHT…
The cortisol graph you see here illustrates typical cortisol levels. However, as someone who experiences hair loss, you likely have higher than normal cortisol, or higher than normal testosterone. Or a combination of the both. For me it was both. Which is why I lost my hair so young and so rapidly. Luckily I was able to get my hair back though (that’s me in the picture).
If you have high cortisol, it’s likely that your cortisol is elevated at night. Which is very bad. It likely means your cortisol chart is consistently elevated, which has bad ramifications for your whole life. If your cortisol is consistently elevated you probably feel tired a lot during the day; you’re probably not achieving the things you want to achieve in life due to low drive — and it means DHT is building up in your scalp day by day, gradually destroying your hair by causing more and more fibrosis.
Cortisol is in essence, a stress hormone. … When we have high levels of cortisol coursing through the body this leads to an increase in adrenaline, testosterone and in particular, a hormone known as dihydrotestosterone or DHT
Dr Seymour Weaver
You’re killing your hair
Through no fault of your own, you’re literally killing your hair every single day. You couldn’t be making your hair any worse if you tried. In fact it’s a wonder you have any hair left at all.
I’m serious. The way you’re living right now is quite simply the worst way to live if you want to keep your hair.
An elegant and powerful solution to this problem…
It’s frustrating for me to see so many people who have adopted lifestyle habits that are so destructive to their health and their hair. Especially when it’s so incredibly easy to fix this simple problem.
All you have to do is get your cortisol levels down as low as possible at night time.
That’s it. By doing so, you’ll sleep more deeply, meaning your body will regenerate more effectively while you sleep. Your brain function will improve. Your stress levels will reduce dramatically. Your focus will improve during the day. You’ll be sharper, better at your job, you’ll have more energy… …and of course your scalp won’t be filled to the brim with hair destroying DHT. You’ll also see improvements in your skin and even your long-term health — studies indicate that the stress hormone is a major contributor to serious illnesses like cancer and heart disease.
Think about the people you know with hair loss. They’re usually the highly stressed ones. Now think about the people you know with thick hair. They’re more often than not the relaxed ones.
And check this out…
Studies have shown that highly successful people like business owners, top athletes and rock stars tend to have very low cortisol levels (and did you notice they also seem to have thick hair into their old age?!) Having low cortisol helps you stay focused and calm in tense situations, enabling you to think clearly and make good decisions.
This is quite simply VITAL, if you want to regrow your hair
Think about it. If you have high cortisol you sleep badly, which is bad for your health. And when you wake up and your testosterone is elevated, the combination of cortisol and testosterone turns your body into a hair destroying DHT factory.
It’s no wonder you’re losing your hair.
How to reduce your cortisol to super healthy levels while you sleep
There’s a remarkable audio program (which comes free with my download linked below), that’s designed to make your cortisol levels as low as possible when you wake. So in the morning, instead of your cortisol peaking out of control, you stay calm, focused and in total control.
The audio uses subconscious binaural rhythms, isotronic tones and subliminal messages to ‘optimize’ your mind to the most perfectly healthy, stress-free calm, deep sleep, enabling your body to maximize regeneration.