The Secret Hair Loss Cure That Will Be Making Headlines All Over the World – Page 5 –

Using a natural B vitamin, some natural superfoods and an ingenious trick, you can provoke your body to send a huge dose of powerful hair growth nutrients to your hair, where they build new hair keratin.
Increase nutrient supply to hair
This is the key to triggering new hair growth and regrowing your hair.
When you combine this with the other two groundbreaking new treatments, you can imagine the incredible hair growth results you see:

  • Increased IGF-1 combined with the triggered healing reaction in the scalp, which increases collagen and cell growth
  • Reduced inflammation and cell oxidation in the scalp, enabling increased nutrient supply to the hair
  • Rapid hair regrowth and the reactivation of dormant hair follicles all over your scalp

It’s because you prevent anything from causing hair loss and you give your hair everything it needs and more to grow, that this new system is achieving such impressive results.
I’ve combined all these groundbreaking new methods into one, easy to follow set of instructions.

The icing on the cake

Here’s the icing on the cake. There’s one further brand-new study I haven’t mentioned yet, which is possibly the most exciting of them all.
In step one of the instructions you’re about to see I show you how to use the findings of this fourth study to rejuvenate the cells in your body. This may well be the holy grail of anti ageing.
Here’s what Scientific American have said about it:

His lab made headlines by reporting that the mitochondria in muscles of elderly mice were restored to a youthful state after just a week.Scientific american

There are other hair loss experts like me working in the field who are racing to get this treatment out as a product. I’ve personally spoken to them. I’ve seen their product development and the results. They have the cure for hair loss. And so do I.

Chris Carter before and after hair loss

I have developed the amazing research from these four groundbreaking research studies into a system that I have PERSONALLY USED to regrow my hair.
That is something no-one else can honestly tell you because no-one else has done it. This treatment is so good I want the world to know and benefit from it.
I can give it to you today, years before most people even hear about it.
People all around the world have started using my instructions and are regrowing their hair; and it’s only just been released.

Before and after nicehair results
Just rubbing my hand through my hair I can feel 2 layers of hair, the normal hair, and a layer of short prickly stubble coming in. Feels like a beard is growing underneath my normal hair, I guess is the best way to describe it.

So, are you ready to get started?
I’ve written everything you need to know about this incredible new treatment in one concise set of instructions, which you can download today.

I’ve got more good news for you

Save $50 today

You can start using this groundbreaking new hair loss treatment to regrow your hair today for half the normal price.

Are you ready to start regrowing your hair fast? And start enjoying looking in the mirror again, instead of fearing what you’ll see?
Get instant access to the instructions now and watch your hair loss stop in one week:

“A year from now you may wish you had started today.”
Karen Lamb

The feedback is already flying in, from other people like you who have started to regrow their hair…

“The noticeable areas of scalp are disappearing, and even my receding hairline is starting to fill in.”

“My hair is just getting thicker by the day. I’m so glad I found your book Chris. Thank you…”

“It’s crazy that I now have more hair than I did 1 year ago, when conventional wisdom dictates that hair loss is a progression and reversal is only an option if you sign a contract with Mr PharmaC. I’m in the best shape of my life because of the inspiration from Chris’ book.
So, I’d like to say a big thanks to Chris – a genuine big thanks.”

“Am working through your PDF and am noticing more results than using Rogaine for men! You rock!”

“Thank you Chris. Your support and encouragement is always so helpful and I am so thankful that I found your website. My hair loss has stopped. I feel better than I have done for over a year and I’m starting to see the new hairs along my hair line. Thank you again.”

Early user results

Seeing A LOT of hair regrowth

Before and after nicehair results
My story: about 8 months ago I’d rate my hair about 7/10. Starting to thin, hairline receding, but not too terrible. I had been on rogaine 5% / Revita for 2 years prior to that, but did not notice any gains. In fact I think it either made it worse or did nothing at all. So my doctor agreed to put me on 1mg of Propecia. After 1 month of propecia my hair continued to thin even more. I freaked out, buzzed my hair, and was content for the next few months. Around month 6 my hair was looking about 3.5/10. Extremely thinning on top, noticeable areas of scalp, and practically no hair line whatsoever. I think it went down hill at month 6 for about 4 weeks straight. I became extremely depressed, and didn’t even want to leave my bedroom. So I shaved my head all the way down (not to the skin, but close). I hated the way I looked, even though I consider myself to be very good looking. The bald look was not for me though. But did I have a choice? I would say I lost 30-40% of my hair on the scalp during month 6. It was extremely dramatic, at least for me.
Around month 7 I decided to take things to the extreme. I bought […information available to members only].
Around a week after the […information available to members only…] I started to actually see small baby hairs. I was in disbelief at first, but as days went on it continued to look better[…]
[…]It’s now been about 2.5 weeks since the hair started to grow. My normal hair-length is about an inch long. I decided to grow it back after hating the bald look. Miraculously the baby hairs are thickening, becoming longer, and I continue to see new hair daily, as well as less scalp. Just rubbing my hand through my hair I can feel 2 layers of hair, the normal hair, and a layer of short prickly stubble coming in. Feels like a beard is growing underneath my normal hair, I guess is the best way to describe it. Even on my 2 cowlicks at the top of my head are finally filling in. I would touch that area daily and feel bare skin at the center, but no longer. The noticeable areas of scalp are disappearing, and even my receding hairline is starting to fill in. One side more than the other, however. I’ve never felt so hopeful and lucky to be seeing this growth after 6 months of absolute hell.
TheLastEmporer, via forum


The hair regrowth has become a sideshow for my overall improvement in health. My skin, hair and nails are ridiculously healthy – it’s no cliché to say my hair shines, my skin glows and my nails grow quicker than I can cut them.
I will focus on the results of my hair because I understand that’s what you all want to know!
Firstly, my temples have grown back to the point where I have 1 cm recession on the left side and around 1.5 cm recession on the right – it’s strange, my right side was noticeably more recessed than the other side. It also receded in a peculiar shape – instead of a V, my hair on the right curved, sort of like \( if that makes any sense. I also have lots of light coloured hair extending down to my juvenile hair line, which makes me optimistic that my hair regrowth hasn’t finished yet.
Secondly, my crown was also beginning to thin, to the point where my hair whorl was more like a small bald spot. This has got much thicker and the whorl has a defined shape.
In general, the individual hairs are thicker and stronger (they used to curve, but now the majority of hairs are straight). My hair is darker on the top of my head, so as there is no difference in colour with the hair on the side and back of my head – I had noticed my hair on top was slightly lighter and looked drier before I started this regime.
As an additional bonus, my skin now tans well – due to increased melanin production triggered from food I eat. Muscle mass and tone has improved dramatically after following the nutrition and exercise plan. My belly has completely gone!
This has all happened within a year, and if I’m being honest, I slacked off a bit towards the end few months of last year. Thus, I think it’s around 9 months of around 70% dedication. I quit smoking just over 6 months ago, and since then I’ve tried to give 90% effort.
It’s crazy that I now have more hair than I did 1 year ago, when conventional wisdom dictates that hair loss is a progression and reversal is only an option if you sign a contract with Mr PharmaC. I’m in the best shape of my life because of the inspiration from Chris’ book.
So, I’d like to say a big thanks to Chris – a genuine big thanks.
And to the rest of you, I would say good luck but I’ve realised we create our own luck in this world. All you need is willpower and the discipline to manifest that willpower into action. We’ve all made it this far because we’ve made the decision to challenge our hair loss and had the determination to act on that decision – all the best.
Member post, taken from members forum, with permission

Am working through your PDF and am noticing more results than using Rogaine for men! You rock!
Clare, valued member

I greatly appreciate the materials you put together and I can truly appreciate the incredible amount of time and effort you put into writing and researching the book
Alison, Valued member

Thank you Chris. Your support and encouragement is always so helpful and I am so thankful that I found your website. My hair loss has stopped. I feel better than I have done for over a year and I’m starting to see the new hairs along my hair line. Thank you again.
Anonymous, Valued member

My hair is just getting thicker by the day. I’m so glad I found your book Chris. Thank you…
Anonymous, Valued member

I’ve never been this excited for a long time about my hair; and finally my hair is slowly coming back to me, damn Chris you are the man
Ryu, Valued member

Yes I want the breakthrough hair loss treatment of the future; today

Chris Carter smiling
I understand that these groundbreaking instructions will be available to download for a limited number of customers and the download may become unavailable later today.

  • I want instant access to the hair regrowth treatment of the future, now, years before it’s available in shops
  • I want to massively increase the nutrient supply to my scalp, making my hair grow faster, stronger and healthier
  • I want to use groundbreaking hair growth research from three highly respected research laboratories to reactivate hair follicles in my scalp, making my hair grow thicker
  • I will get instant access to the download, plus free stress reduction audio files based on NASA science, plus three free mystery bonus eBooks.

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“A year from now you may wish you had started today.”
Karen Lamb

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3 month guarantee

Enjoy peace of mind with the extended three month no-questions-asked guarantee. Three months gives you time to see the hair loss completely stop and for the new hairs to start showing along your hairline and between hairs — even in the worst case scenarios.