What foods should I avoid and consume to inhibit the conversion of testosterone into DHT? – nicehair.org

What foods should I avoid and consume to inhibit the conversion of testosterone into DHT?

Thanks for your question. The answer to this is a little more complex than you might think. There are foods that you can consume that inhibit the conversion of testosterone into DHT. But really, you don’t want to have to do that. Ideally you wouldn’t need to.

The three factors that lead to excess DHT

If you want to reduce DHT levels, your goals should be orientated around these three problems:

  • Poor liver efficiency / over worked liver
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Stress

If you have healthy hormonal balance you should have healthy DHT levels: levels that will not cause hair loss. So really, if you want to know what foods you need to eat/avoid to inhibit DHT levels, you need to know what foods you need to eat/avoid to attain healthy hormonal balance.
These would primarily be foods that detoxify and strengthen the liver and foods that rebuild prostaglandin numbers. Unfortunately it’s not as simple as “eat these foods twice a day for three weeks and your liver will be at maximum strength and your hormones will be perfectly balanced”. It’s more difficult than that. If you want to achieve these two goals you’ll need a specific well thought out programme, like the one in my eBook.
In my eBook I explain how to:

  • Detoxify and maximise the strength of your liver using a 28 day procedure
  • Balance your hormones by rebuilding prostaglandin numbers
  • Change the way you deal with stress to minimise hormonal surges

While doing these three things will help reduce DHT levels by eliminating the underlying causes or excess DHT, I also show you several cheap foods you can consume to directly inhibit testosterone to DHT conversion by blocking the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase.
You could simply use these foods to inhibit DHT levels but it’s far better to combat this problem at the source. There are several other things that you can and should do to reduce DHT levels: other factors that help improve hormonal balance. These are all explained in my eBook.
The eBook is a hundred pages long, yet it is written in very concise language, so it is jam packed with information. I don’t babble on in the eBook like I tend to do on this blog. The eBook is strictly hard hitting instructions that achieve results. So if you want to eliminate the underlying causes of hair loss, one by one, grab a copy today, while it’s still half price.
Thanks for your time and feel free to ask me any more questions.