The World's Most Advanced At-home Hair Regrowth Method –
Before and after hair loss The Hormone Fix resultsDavid, UK. Before and after following the program.

“I suddenly noticed literally hundreds of new hairs that hadn’t been there before”

“Around a month into starting the program I saw what I thought was impossible.
New hairs were sprouting in my receded hair line area. This is an area of my scalp that hadn’t seen any hair growth since I was a teenager. Around the same time I remember looking very closely at the spaces between the thick hairs at the center-front of my scalp and I suddenly noticed literally hundreds of new hairs that hadn’t been there before.
Over the following two months the hairs got thicker. The more hairs I saw the more motivated I was to use the techniques. I followed the program religiously. About a year later I am so ecstatic to say my hair is as thick now as it was when I was about 20!
From the bottom of my heart thank you Chris”

Before and after hair loss The Hormone Fix resultsDavid, UK. Before and after following the program.

“I remember looking very closely at the spaces between the thick hairs at the center, front of my scalp and I suddenly noticed literally hundreds of new hairs that hadn’t been there before”

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“This is nothing like anything I’ve ever seen before”

When you’re ready to stop wasting your time on hair loss products that don’t work, start here — and find out how the people on this page actually regrew their hair, by properly fixing their hormonal balance.

Download the instructions and start following them today to see significant hair regrowth in as little as six weeks.
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Markus Gabriel regrow thinning hair
This is pure genius. I’ve never seen anything like it.
Marcus Gabriel

After 6 weeks on the program:

Before and after nicehair results

Just rubbing my hand through my hair I can feel 2 layers of hair, the normal hair, and a layer of short prickly stubble coming in. Feels like a beard is growing underneath my normal hair, I guess is the best way to describe it.
Michael, USA

After delays of 4 to 8 weeks, all four individuals reported unequivocal hair growth, with extension of hair growth to previously bald areas of the scalp, and a strengthening of growth in those areas where hair was present but thinning.
Horrobin, David Frederick OF. C. and Clarkson, Sherri Margaret C. O. E.

The key that everyone is missing

Chris Carter before and after hair loss

Over the last ten years I’ve spoken to thousands of hair loss sufferers and almost all of them say the same thing:
“I’ve tried everything and nothing is stopping my hair loss. No matter what I try, nothing works”
And everyone says the same thing.

Effectively, this will make your scalp like it’s young again.

You’re all correct. No supplements, shampoos or topicals will make your hair grow back because hair loss is a symptom of an underlying hormonal imbalance. They may help, but they cannot fix the true cause of the hair loss. They merely attempt to treat the symptom.
You’re wasting your time and money on temporary treatments: until you fix the underlying cause of your hair loss it will never go away.

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Fixing your hormonal balance is the key. And everyone is missing this.
When I say “normalise your hormonal balance”, people think, “hmmm that sounds difficult”.
It’s not.
If you can spare two minutes a day (max) to follow very simple, easy instructions, you can do it.
It’s not hard and it doesn’t involve any crazy diets. It’s super easy. You just need to know exactly how to do it.

In my online plan I’ll show you:

  • How I increased IGF-1 in my scalp to regrow my hair and how you can easily do it from home
  • How I balanced my hormones, eliminating hair loss and vastly improving my health
  • How I triggered a healing reaction in my scalp, undoing the damage caused by DHT

This recently published study lends credence to the prior studies on hair growth stimulation and cutaneous IGF-1, by conclusively demonstrating that Dihydrotestosterone, (DHT) inhibits hair growth by inhibiting IGF-1 production in dermal papillae.
MPB Research

Trigger a healing reaction in your scalp

Results of study on treating scalp fibrosis:

The frontal bald area of patients showed highly significant increase in telogen hairs
Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Minya University, Al-Minya, Egypt.

Hormones are the root cause of hair loss. But the negative effects of imbalanced hormones cause semi-permanent damage to your scalp. This “damage” is called fibrosis, which is scarring at a micro level. And it prevents hair growth.
Unfortunately, once fibrosis has occurred significantly in the scalp, it won’t naturally heal itself.
You have to force your scalp to heal like it did when you were younger, by making your scalp like it was before hair loss began.

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To do this I’ll show you how to use a natural source of something called Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1) and a few other powerful, natural ingredients.
Effectively, this will make your scalp like it’s young again.
IGF-1 is a hormone that plays an important role in growth.
We’re using a Dermaroller to make your scalp heal. This means it will increase cell production to repair minor tissue damage.
However, it will only make new skin tissue grow.

Results of study on IGF-1 treatment for hair loss:

IGF-1 increased hair follicle number and prolonged the growing phase during the transition from anagen to telogen.
Jingjie Li Zhihong Yang Zheng Li Lijuan Gu Yunbo Wang Changkeun Sung a

This is where IGF-1 and a few other natural ingredients come into play.
We’re going to introduce the natural elements that a youthful scalp contains, so that when your scalp heals the minor damage caused by the dermaroller, it doesn’t just grow skin, it grows hair.
IGF1 hair growth
This is a very simple technique. It takes 2 minutes. Its all natural. I’ll explain it all in clear, easy to follow instructions. It doesn’t hurt. And there will be no visible marks. We’re changing your scalp at a micro level.
No will notice anything apart from your bair gradually getting thicker and healthier.
Once this step is completed, your scalp will be a step closer to the state it was in before the hair loss began.

Access is limited to 300 members per month and is by invitation only.

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Reduce stress hormone production

Stress causes hair loss. In fact, its been proven in several studies.

The hair regrowth has become a sideshow for my overall improvement in health. My skin, hair and nails are ridiculously healthy – it’s no cliché to say my hair shines, my skin glows and my nails grow quicker than I can cut them.
James, USA

But do you actually know why? Or why some people’s hair is effected and others is not?
Not many people do.
Again, hormones are the key…

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Stress has a major influence on your hormone production.
Therefore, to cure your hair loss, you need to have healthy stress hormone levels. In most cases this means bringing your cortisol hormone levels down.
If you think this sounds impossible, just check out this amazing TED Talk by a doctor who discovered that the way you stand and sit (your posture) has a direct causal effect on your cortisol levels. But there’s much more to it than that.
Reduce cortisol levels

We’re going to make your body just like that of someone who naturally has perfect hair and skin and perfectly balanced hormones.

Successful and confident people have low cortisol levels. If you can reduce your cortisol levels naturally, you can change your whole life.

Although they experienced physical symptoms of anxiety and stress initially – elevated blood pressure, respiration and other vital signs – they gradually adapted to their new “realities”. On the 26th day of the experiment, something amazing happened for one of the astronauts. His world turned right-side up again even though he continued to wear the goggles 24 hours a day. Between days 26-30, the same thing happened for each of the remaining astronauts.
Deb Cheslow, #1 International Best-Selling Author

I’ve developed an audio program based on NASA research, which will train your mind to stay relaxed and focused. You don’t have to do anything. Just play the audio in your headphones. It’s a free download that comes with my plan.
Your sub conscious mind is far more powerful than your conscious mind and has a far greater effect on your hormones.
In other words, your sub conscious mind is slowly destroying your body by making your hormones go wild. Its vital that you fix this.
In the long term I believe this is a major contributor to deadly diseases like cancer. Stress is a killer.
If you can train your mind to work for you instead of against you it will radically change your life.
I’ve dedicated a chapter of my plan to instructing you on how to use NASA research to train your mind to react calmly to stressors in order to reduce the stress hormones that are killing your hair and slowly killing you.

In my online plan I’ll show you:

  • How I increased IGF-1 in my scalp to regrow my hair and how you can easily do it from home
  • How I balanced my hormones, eliminating hair loss and vastly improving my health
  • How I intensely nourished my hair, making it grow rapidly all over my scalp

Total body revitalisation

We’re going to make your body just like that of someone who naturally has perfect hair and skin and perfectly balanced hormones

Your body has been producing too much of the wrong hormones for too long. As a result your body has suffered in several ways.
When your hormones are unbalanced for a long time, something has to give…

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For you, hair loss is the outcome of your unbalanced hormones.
For some people the symptom will be weight gain. For others it might be insomnia. Whatever the symptom, believe me, hormones are strongly involved in the root cause.
Its simply a bad idea to continue to try to fix a symptom with a treatment like Rogaine or other similar hair loss products.
The closest thing to a good hair loss treatment is a prescription drug called Propecia. And guess what? It alters your hormonal balance.
I’m going to show you the healthy, natural way to fix your hormonal balance.
But we also need to fix the damage done to your body by years of hormonal imbalance. If hair loss is a symptom of a bigger underlying problem, imagine the other problems that might be lying in wait for you to surface over the coming years.
So we need to use healthy natural ingredients to revitalise your whole body at a cellular level.
We’re going to make your body just like that of someone who naturally has perfect hair and skin and perfectly balanced hormones.

In my online plan I’ll show you:

  • The technique I used to flood my body with super healthy nutrients every day
  • How I balanced my hormones, eliminating hair loss and vastly improving my health
  • How I triggered a healing reaction in my scalp, undoing the damage caused by DHT

Intensely nourish your hair with the most effective combination of powerful natural hair growth nutrients

Hair is made of a protein called keratin. Keratin is made up of 18 amino acids.

the treatment group had remarkable results with their anagen rate
Study on cysteine (the key amino acid) for hair loss

Without these amino acids your body cannot create hair keratin.
Through my research I know exactly which amino acids your body needs to grow more hair. I know the precise quantities you need to maximize hair growth.
In fact there are several significant research projects that have shown distinct links between certain key nutrients and increased hair growth…

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I know the precise nutrients your body needs to facilitate the production of healthy hair.
Here’s the clever part:
The key to this method is making your nutrient rich blood flow to your scalp at the right time. In doing so you flood your scalp with the perfect combination of naturally derived hair growth nutrients, intensely nourishing your hair.

In my online plan I’ll show you:

  • How I increased IGF-1 in my scalp to regrow my hair and how you can easily do it from home
  • How I balanced my hormones, eliminating hair loss and vastly improving my health
  • How I triggered a healing reaction in my scalp, undoing the damage caused by DHT

This truly is the key

Effectively all of the above things are making your scalp and body like it was before you started losing your hair.
We’re reversing the damage done over the years and we’re altering the hormonal balance in your body and scalp to be more like that of someone who naturally has perfect hair, perfect skin and a calm, focused mind.
Think about this: you weren’t always losing your hair. There was a time when your hair grew healthily. Something changed in your body: your hormonal balance.
Now we’re going to get your body back to how it was before everything started going wrong.
This is the key. Not only to reversing your hair loss but to making your whole life the best that it can be.

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Trust Pilot 5 stars

It’s crazy that I now have more hair than I did 1 year ago, when conventional wisdom dictates that hair loss is a progression and reversal is only an option if you sign a contract with Mr PharmaC. I’m in the best shape of my life because of the inspiration from Chris’ book.
So, I’d like to say a big thanks to Chris – a genuine big thanks.

My hair is just getting thicker by the day. I’m so glad I found your book Chris. Thank you.

Am working through your PDF and am noticing more results than using Rogaine for men! You rock!

The noticeable areas of scalp are disappearing, and even my receding hairline is starting to fill in.