Best Organic Cold-Pressed Omega Oil Products (EFAs)

Here’s a useful resource for anyone who regularly uses essential fatty acid (EFA) supplements and wants a list of the worlds best products as reference.

I’ve compiled this list from years of researching these products and finding what’s most important in a product. If you don’t already consume a natural whole food omega oil supplement every day I strongly suggest you scroll to the bottom of this article to learn more about them and why you should be using one.
First of all, let’s look at what I have found to be the world’s best examples of cold-pressed organic omega oils. After we’ve looked at these examples I’ll explain why organic cold-pressed vegetarian oils are the best way of getting your omega intake; why they have worked the best for me over the years — and what visible benefits you can expect if you start supplementing with these oils in the correct way.

  • Organic Cold Pressed Bottled Omega 3 Oil

    Health from the Sun Total EFA Oil

    Around $8 for 8oz

    This is great blend of oils. What makes this product stand out above the rest is the use of borage oil and evening primrose oil. Borage has the highest GLA content of any plant. It’s thought to be one of the most powerful natural 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, making this a great product for anyone suffering from male pattern baldness. Total EFA also contains vitamin E, an antioxidant, providing the free radical scavenging benefits. The bottle is nitrogen flushed to prevent oxidisation — this shows the care the business has gone to to keep their oil fresh.

    • Organic
    • Cold expeller-pressed
    • Contains omega 3, 6, 9
    • Contains evening primrose oil
    • Contains borage oil — the highest GLA content EFA source
    • Contains vitamin E antioxidant
    • Packaged in a nitrogen flushed bottle to preserve freshness


  • Vega Organic Cold Pressed EFA Oil Blend

    Vega Antioxidant EFA Oil Blend

    Around $30 for 500ml

    This is one of my favorite EFA products. It uses a good range of seed oils, including berry seeds, which are known to be very high in antioxidants. This is clever because EFA molecules are unstable, meaning they break down (oxidize) readily releasing ‘free-radicals’. Free radicals are neutralized by antioxidants. It also contains coconut oil, which is thought to help protect the molecular stability of the EFA molecules. This is a superb product.

    • Organic
    • Cold-pressed without distillation
    • Contains omega 3, 6, 9
    • High in antioxidants
    • Also contains coconut oil, which is extremely good for you


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  • Udos Choice Organic EFA Omega Oil

    Udos Choice Ultimate EFA Oil Blend

    Around $37 for 32oz

    Udos choice have produced a great oil. The advantage of this blend is the use of evening primrose oil, which is very high in gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an omega 6 fatty acid which is an anti-inflammatory and is known to help with pre-menstrual stress as well as suppressing tumor growth and helping balance hormones among other profound benefits. GLA is also though to be a powerful 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, which may help reduce blood DHT levels, which may reduce hair loss. This is another GREAT product.

    • Organic
    • Cold-pressed in an oxygen free environment to reduce oxidation
    • Contains omega 3, 6, 9 in a 2:1:1 ratio
    • Contains evening primrose oil
    • Contains lecithin, which may help reduce liver fat
    • Contains coconut oil, which is extremely good for you


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  • Viridian organic beauty EFA Omega Oil

    Viridian Organic Beauty Oil

    Around $17 for 7oz

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    This is another one of my favourite EFA oil supplements. It contains evening primrose oil, which helps increase prostaglandins, in turn improving hormonal balance. Viridian Beauty Oil also contains pumpkin seed oil, which is an excellent addition. Pumpkin seed oil is thought to inhibit 5-alpha reductase, which may help reduce hair loss caused by DHT. This product also contains avocado oil, providing a more diverse range of nutrients.

    • Organic
    • Cold pressed
    • 2:1:1 ratio of omega 3 and 6
    • Contains evening primrose oil
    • Contains pumpkin seed oil


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  • Fushi Totale Omega 3 6 and 9 Oil

    Fushi Omega Totale 3 6 9

    Around $25 for 3.5oz

    This is another great omega oil blend. Fushi Totale is marketed with the specific benefits of balancing hormones and improving hair skin and nails. It’s worth using this oil from time to time (again to get some variation) for it’s use of almond oil, sesame seed oil and avocado oil, which provide a greater variety of nutrients. This is really up there with the best vegetarian omega oil blends in the world — a good one for the list.

    • Organic
    • Cold pressed
    • 2:1:1 ratio of omega 3 and 6
    • Contains evening primrose oil


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  • Granovita Organic Omega Blend Oil

    Granovita Organic Omega Oil Blend

    Around $12 for 9oz

    The Granovita omega oil blend contains a good variety of seed oils, including hemp seed, sesame seed, pumpkin seed and evening primrose oil — providing the benefits of prostaglandin health, natural 5-alpha reductase inhibitors and the 2:1:1 balance of omegas 3, 6 and 9.

    • Organic
    • Cold pressed
    • 2:1:1 ratio of omega 3 and 6
    • Contains pumpkin seed oil
    • Contains evening primrose oil


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  • 6inone EFA Oil Blend

    6inOne Organic Omega Oil Blend

    Around $17 for 8.8oz

    The 6inOne oil blend has the added benefit of borage oil, which for me is a benefit because borage (or star flower) is the richest natural source of GLAs and also a powerful natural 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Although most EFA oil producers recommend a 2:1:1 balance, I would personally prefer a little more omega 6 for the extra GLA. The 6inOne blend also contains added DHA.

    • Organic
    • Cold pressed
    • 2:1:1 ratio of omega 3 and 6
    • Contains pumpkin seed oil
    • Contains borage oil
    • Contains evening primrose oil
    • Added DHA


  • Organic Pharmacy Super Antioxidant Omega Oil Blend

    Organic Pharmacy Super Antioxidant Omega 3, 6 and 9 Oil

    Around $23 for 7oz

    The Organic Pharmacy Blend has just about everything you could want in an EFA oil, with the exception of the high Gamma Lineloic Acid that you get from borage oil and evening primrose oil. What I like about this blend is it has less flax seed than all the other oils and it contains high levels of antioxidants, which is important if you increase your intake of molecularly unstable EFAs. This is a good product to go for as a way of varying your EFA sources and to get some more variety in your diet from month to month.

    • Organic
    • Cold pressed
    • 2:1:1 ratio of omega 3 and 6
    • High in antioxidants


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  • Lifeplan Organic Omega Oil Blend

    Lifeplan Organic Omega Oil Blend

    Around $10 for 8.8oz

    The Lifeplan omega oil blend contains a good mix of oils — particularly sesame, hemp, pumpkin and evening promrose oil. As with some of the other oils, this oil will benefit hormonal balance, may help reduce DHT.

    • Organic
    • Cold pressed
    • 2:1:1 ratio of omega 3 and 6
    • Contains pumpkin seed oil
    • Contains evening primrose oil


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  • Higher Nature Omega 3 6 and 9 Oil

    Higher Nature Omega Excellence Organic Omega 3-6-9 Balance Oil

    Around $12 for 12oz

    Higher Nature’s oil blend is another good example of an organic cold pressed oil, packaged using oxygen protective bottles and using antioxidants to protect the delicate EFA molecules. This product doesn’t have as many good high GLA ingredients as the others but if you wanted to have some variety it might be worth trying this product from time to time.

    • Organic
    • Cold pressed
    • 2:1 ratio of omega 3 and 6
    • Contains antioxidants to prevent oxidation


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What are Essential Fatty Acids Supplements?

‘Omega 3’ is an essential fatty acid, often referred to as Omega 3 oil, omega 3 supplements or ‘EFAs’. EFAs are essential for your health and can give you a noticeable improvement in the vibrance of your eyes and the rate your hair and nails grow.
Through my long years of researching supplements I have consistently said, if you only take one supplement, an organic cold-pressed EFA oil is what I recommend. Take my advice, you can try cod liver oils, omega supplement tablets and so on, but the products that have given me the best results over the years have been organic cold-pressed EFA (Omega 3, 6 and 9 in a 2:1:1 ratio) oils. There are very good reasons for this, so please read on to see why cold-pressed EFA oils are my number one supplement choice.

Why are these oils so good for you?

The human body cannot make essential fatty acids on its own; they have to come from food sources. These ‘good fats’ are necessary for your health and help you to maintain a healthy brain, heart, skin, eyes, and weight. They help with depression and reduce your risk of heart disease. They can also help reduce anxiety by helping the body regulate hormones and increasing myelin in the brain.
However most people’s modern Western diets are very low in EFAs, so a whole food supplement like the ones on this page are hugely beneficial for your health. In fact, if you only take one supplement, cold-pressed EFA oil is the one I recommend.
Good health comes from perseverance and experimenting with products. It is about having the patience to find which ones work best for you, and what exactly you need out of them. It can be great fun trying out new things, and you will learn a lot by doing so. When I first started consuming organic cold-pressed EFA oil every day I noticed my nails and hair start to grow much faster and I felt mentally sharper. It wasn’t just a minor change I noticed. I noticed my fingernails grow stronger and longer within weeks and I was able to concentrate on work more easily and apply my mind more readily. For these reasons, I decided to consume EFA oil every day. With years of testing and researching products, I know exactly what to look for, which is why I created this page.
I decided to make a resource of some of the world’s best omega supplements as much for myself as for my readers. To make the most of this resource I encourage you to try one of the oils and experience the benefits, then vary your intake of EFAs by trying different products every few months. This will help you receive a varied intake of nutrients.

Why it’s so important that the oils are cold pressed

EFA oils are made from seeds and nuts. The seeds and nuts are ‘pressed’ to release the oil. When heat is used to release the oil, the molecular structure can be destabilised releasing free radicals. Therefore it is essential that you choose a cold-pressed EFA oil product.
EFA molecules are unstable. They go-off quickly because the molecules oxidise. For this reason the best EFA oil manufacturers use special methods to make sure the oil molecules don’t oxidise. Some of the examples above use antioxidants to protect the oils and some even use special methods to make sure there is no oxygen in the bottles when the oils are packaged.
It’s important that the oils are cold-pressed and the products are kept fresh and free of oxygen because oils that are gone-off may actually do more harm than good.

Why you should choose vegetarian oils instead of fish oils

Fish oil
Fish oils, like cod liver oil, are a rich source of essential fatty acids — particularly omega 3. However I prefer vegetarian sources over fish sources because of heavy metal poisoning. Unfortunately the world’s oceans are polluted with heavy metals, including mercury and arsenic. So if you consume high volumes of fish oils you risk increasing your likelihood of experiencing mercury poisoning.

The consumption of fish is by far the most significant source of ingestion-related mercury exposure in humans and animals

For this reason I try to limit my intake of fish oil. Instead I supplement with two or three tablespoons of vegetarian EFA oil every day.

But is eating fish really that dangerous?!

All this being said, the eskimos are known to have a very low rate of heart disease and this is attributed to their high consumption of omega 3 from fish oil. While fish oil may contain mercury, oily fish is also considered a food that benefits health. There are frustrating mixed messages about fish and mercury poisoning. Some fish, including swordfish, king mackerel and some types of tuna are high in mercury while others such as salmon and whitefish are low in mercury. Pregnant women should avoid high mercury fish because unborn babies are most susceptible to the effects of mercury poisoning.
To learn more about safely eating fish and avoiding mercury poising check out this article — Should You Be Worried About Mercury in Fish?

How to detox heavy metals from your body

Fortunately there is quite a simple way of removing heavy metals like mercury from your body. The algae chlorella has a special affinity for heavy metals. It binds with them helping to eliminate them from your. One of the best ways to consume chlorella is by drinking a ‘green drink’ every day. You can learn all about green drinks in this ultimate guide to the world’s best green drinks.

Essential Fatty Acids for Cancer Prevention

EFA Supplementation for Cancer Prevention
I’ve already mentioned that EFAs help build prostaglandins in your body, which helps regulate hormonal balance — and this is a key part to maintaining strong hair growth and healthy skin. But EFAs also help increase “prostaglandin 3”, which helps slow down the rate of cell division in the body, which in turn reduces the risk of cell mutation, which leads to cancer. This is also key to anti-ageing because it provokes the body to repair and regenerate DNA, rather than creating new cells. Learn more about the benefits of EFAs by watching this video:
Essential Fatty Acid Supplementation for Cancer Prevention

How to Store Essential Fatty Acid Supplements

Always keep your EFA oil products refrigerated and consume within 6 months (or as instructed on the packaging). EFA oils go off quite quickly (and even more quickly if left in a warm place). Once the oils break down they can become more harmful than healthy by releasing free radicals.